Every two weeks the Wheelie Bin Gallery gets dragged outside to show the neighbours and binmen the latest aquisitions. I'd better drag it back again before a culture vulture trips over it!
Hand carved rubber stamped stickers from Alan in Wales. He writes- "Good to see you back in business(?). Can't belive it's 4 and a half years since my last to you. Hope all has been going O.K. No great changes here- all going fine. Just getting oldedr!!"
Tim sends a bumper pack of stickers from Oklahoma City in OK, USA. Tim says- "The stickers come from a print shop where I used to work. I would like for you to send me some stickers back that you dont want. Ones that are different from the ones I am sending you. Thanks!"
Stickers and other ephemera from Treena in Barnton, Cheshire. Treena says - "Car boots starting soon! I think there is one at Anderton 7th or 8th March. Must ask Betty."
Jonathan sent some antique stickers and a small painting on paper. Sylvia added a card her mother had made from pressed flowers and a note which says -"Plenty of snow here- and more tomorrow - shovel! shovel!"
Stickers and spleen from DEB in France. Send thoughtful visions to- DEB Rue St, Aubert, 130 F-62000 Arras, France. No Deadline. Documentation every 10 participants. debmarc at hotmail.com