Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Portable Mail Art Show

This is our wheelie bin - a dull run-of-the-mill green receptacle for our household rubbish. I'm hoping you will help me to decorate it with stickers and mail art (no larger than A4 ) and amaze the refuse collectors (and our neighbours) each fortnight when they come to collect it. All mail must be weatherproof and adhesive. I will document the progress here on this blog. Would love to get the whole thing covered by March 2009. Please help!

Send wheelie bin stickers to- A.1.Waste Wheelie Company. 33 Shipbrook Road, Rudheath, Cheshire, CW9 7EX U.K.


DrFluxbuxenstein said...

Hey Michael--Love the wheelie bin (here it's just a trash can). With such a groovy name it NEEDS to look better. Scrounging for waterproof stickers right away! (How do you feel about old US campaign stickers?)

mim said...

Love this idea and am looking for stickers, like above commenter. How do you feel about Current US Campaign car bumper stickers?

Wastedpapiers said...

Any kind of stickers welcome as long as they are not rascist, homophobic, obscene in any way. Remember children walk past the wheelie bins on their way to school.